Termite Control Long Beach

Get the best termite control Long Beach with Elite1 Termite Control. Our reliable team guarantees effective termite treatments and peace of mind!

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Termite Control Long Beach – All You Need To Know

Long Beach on the mapYou’re not alone if you’re experiencing termite colonies, as many households face the same problem. However, you can protect your property with the right information and tools. 

While a DIY approach is possible, hiring an experienced exterminator is best for a more reliable and efficient result. It also helps to keep your family members safe all through the process. 

Before hiring a termite control Long Beach service, knowing everything about termite infestation and how to keep your property safe is essential.

This will make the whole process seamless and convenient. In this article, we'd like to point out all you need to know, including what attracts termites to your property and how you can keep them away.

Things That Attract Termites The Most

Knowing what attracts termites to your home is the first step in controlling their activities. Below are some reasons you might be experiencing a termite infestation.



Moist and humid areas create a conducive environment for termites to thrive. Therefore, you can attract these pests if you have poor drainage systems, leaky pipes, and faulty faucets, as these factors can create damp areas in your house.


Mulch conserves moisture to provide nutrients to plants and protects the soil from erosion. However, it can also serve as an entry point for termites into your home, especially when it is very close to the foundation. 

Unused woodpiles

The cellulose found in woods is a good source of food for termites. This means you can draw termites to your home when you store woodpiles outside your home for a long time without using or treating them. 


Cracks in the foundation of your building, electrical conduits, or plumbing can serve as an entry point for termites into your home. Termites always look for where the temperature is warmer, and these cracks can provide them with a conducive space. 

Clogged gutters

Leaving your gutters unclean for a long time can cause twigs, leaves, and other debris to build up. This can prevent water from flowing, make the debris in the gutter rot, and eventually provide an access point for termites to infest your home. 

Dead trees

Allowing dead trees to rot very close to your house can attract infestation. Termites feed on rotten trees, and once they finish up with the trees, they will start searching for a new source of food, thereby leading them to your house. 

What Keeps Termites Away And Why It Is Important For Your Home in Long Beach

Keeping termites away from your home helps maintain the structural integrity of your property, keeps your family safe, cuts unnecessary spending on repairs or replacement, and offers peace of mind. The following are ways you can keep these pests away from your home.

Termite exterminator

Practice Regular Inspections

One of the best ways to prevent termite infestation is to regularly inspect your home and wooden properties. This ensures you’re able to detect signs of termite activity early to prevent severe infestation or damage to your property. You can inspect your property yourself or hire an experienced exterminator in Long Beach for a more professional inspection. 

Minimize Moisture and Water Sources Around the House

Leaky pipes and damaged drainage can cause moisture, which is an ideal condition for termites to thrive in. To keep termites away from your home, ensure all improper drainage or leaks are fixed. Also, ensure that cracks around the foundation of your building are closed. 

Maintain Proper Cleanliness in the House

Ensure proper cleaning of your compound and its surroundings. Remove leaves and figs from the compound before they decay, as they can attract termites to your house. Proper cleanliness also enhances your hygiene and health. You can hire a professional cleaning service to ensure all debris is removed.

Stop Storing Wood Close to Your Home

Store unused wood far from your home and ensure it doesn’t contact soil. Also, clear mulch away from the foundation of your building. In addition, remember to treat your wood to prevent termites from using it as a bridge into your home. 

Ensure Proper Ventilation in the House

Good ventilation and airflow help reduce humidity in the house, making the environment unsuitable for termites. Proper ventilation also improves the air quality that members of your household breathe. Besides preventing termite infestation, it also helps enhance your living conditions.


Hire a Competent Termite Control Service

Termites are stubborn and can still find a way to access your home even after taking necessary precautions to prevent them. You can employ the service of an expert technician at Elite1 Termite Control for effective termite control measures to prevent or treat infestation.

Long Beach view

Outdoor Termite Control Long Beach

It's crucial to manage termite colonies outdoors effectively to keep your home free from their infestation. Outdoor termite control can reduce these pests' populations and ensure they don't have any means of entering your house. 


Consider the following options for outdoor termite control in Long Beach:


  • Apply liquid termiticides to the soil around your building's foundation. This will act as a barrier between the termites and your home. 
  • Baiting systems from reputable termite control services are another suitable method for outdoor termite control. We help you place bait stations strategically around your property. 
  • If you have a severe termite infestation around your house, invite an experienced outdoor termite exterminator for fumigation. This will help prevent the infestation from reaching your home.


Elite1 Termite Control Los AngelesBest Company To Call For Termite Control in Long Beach

Calling a certified and reliable exterminator in Long Beach is the best way of controlling termite infestation in your home. 

As the best company, Elite1 Termite Control is committed to providing comprehensive termite inspection and treatment services to ensure these unwanted pests don’t damage your property or cause harm to your household. 

Our experienced technicians use both modern and advanced termite removal techniques tailored to meet the specific needs of your home.

We provide excellent and exceptional termite control services in Beverly Hills and termite control Los Angeles, including commercial termite treatment

Besides that, we provide termite inspection and removal services in the following areas:

And many other cities and neighborhoods in Los Angeles County. Check out the full list on our Service Areas page.

Elite1 Termite Control is your professional and affordable Termite Control for Los Angeles County! We use state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques to provide long-term solutions to your termite problems.

We also ensure the safety of your household members during and after the treatment process. Visit us today for thorough inspections and affordable termite removal to solve your termite infestation problems!

Frequently Asked Questions

Any month of the year is okay to spray termites because their activities are not restricted by season. However, their activities can be more predictable during winter, making them more vulnerable during this period. Therefore, winter months are the best period to spray termites for the most effective outcome.